Richmond Symphony League thanks all of the Guests
that toured the Taylor Estate, our 19th Designer House!
Taylor Estate, breathing new life and design into a 107-year-old house Located at 2325 Monument Avenue in Richmond, Va. This gorgeous house was designed by the renowned architect, Duncan Lee in an Italian Renaissance Revival style. Originally built in 1915 and owned by Jaquelin Plummer Taylor, the Taylor Estate boasts a garden designed by the prominent landscape architect, Charles Freeman Gillette. The house is in the Monument Avenue Historic District, and this was the first opportunity for the public to tour the home. The beautiful proportions and details of this exquisite home provided a lot fascination and inspiration!
The Taylor Estate was open to the public on September 11, 2023, through October 9, 2023. Richmond Symphony League raised over $420,000 net during this fundraising effort. To date, we have been able to donated over $350,000 to the Richmond Symphony!
We are hoping to be able to showcase our 20th House in 2025 - be sure to check back often for information regarding our next project! Please contact us at designerhouse@richmondsymphonyleague.org, if you would like additional information.